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Wastegate operation


New Member
If my wastegate actuator is disconnected from the wastegate, should the flap in the exhaust manifold be able to just flip open and closed with no effort?

by the way, engine is off
Thank you

took the actuator off tonight, seems ok used compressed air to extend it, pressure vacuum pump on it tomorrow to see if it holds

what should be my cracking pressure range to get the rod to move?
wastegate solenoid is PMW controlled , one wire is 12v (key on) the other wire is a pmw controlled ground that is active intermittently controlled by the ecm to a specific duty cycle . example 0 (zero) duty is closed 50% is half the flow through ports 100% is full flow through the ports

test is basically remove vac connector blow through one port ..if air flows its not good ..should be closed
if it leaks air boost can be higher than desired
check terminals with an ohm meter if it shows open its no good (rare and would show as a SES code same as leaving unplugged )
key on connect a ground to the pmw wire and it should open solenoid 100% and you should be able to blow through port..if you cant its no good
Thanks for your help

I tested it tonight and the ohms were good,32, and it clicked with 12 volts and I couldn’t blow through it with key off. I was able to pass air through it with the key on.

Now I’m stumped, I also tested the waste gate actuator with a Mighty pump and it started to move the rod at about 10 psi and it held when fully extended.

I guess I’ll start chasing fuel issues next, changing out the O2, installing an adj WG actuator, new fuel filter, new KN air filter and possibly injectors. 25000 mile I tend to think injectors are good?

your thoughts ?

im going to put a fuel pressure gauge on it too to see where we are
I made a visit to Mi to visit Steve and his Mom at Full Throttle

I purchased the Scanmaster, turbo tweak chip and new style MAF and translator

I forgot to ask Steve, do I still need to hook up the IAT?

you should run the iat (can read it on scanmaster ) but the tt chip really doesnt use it for much except in extreme cold or heat

all new parts installed but car still stumbles/hesitates at lower rpms

boost gauge still doesn’t work, watergate actuator never moves no matter how much you let it idle or throttle it to any rpm

fuel pressure is 43 idling and 36 with vac dusconnected

only thing left to do is the TR chip but I don’t see that helping

bad MAP possible?

I’ll hook a vacuum gauge up tomorrow to test and I hopefully have a combo gauge to test it with too

any help or thoughts are most welcone

thank you
Look for vac leaks.. odds are you have more than one... BTW mileage means nothing..stuff times out , so far Father time is undefeated..